Tales from Kerala

 I talked to a grandma from our neighborhood. She is from Kerala state in India and told me many stories and showed me their special dishes to make special dishes. 

One of my neighborhoods grandmas memories was linked to simple ingredients, salt and tamarind. Back then they used to store tamarind with salt on attic and have young kids go and get some whenever they need some to cook. Grandma said that all the kids used to fight for their turn. I was wondering why? Then she reveled the surprise that the juice that collects under used to be so tasty, and the kids would love to eat that. 

Another interesting thing I learnt was that there weren't really any forgotten foods and they still cook and eat the dishes that were cherished for many many years.


Here is special tamarind they have, this is different from other South Indian Tamarind / the one we use at our home. 

The below is a special dish to make special Kerala dish. This one will bring out the rice noodles. 

Here is another one.


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